The Magical Art of Breeding Flowers and Plants

Delve into the world of flower breeding, where art and science combine to create a stunning array of colors, shapes, and scents. Selective breeding, an ancient practice dating back to early Egyptian civilizations, has evolved into a precise technique for developing new flower varieties with desired traits. Breeders carefully select parent plants and use techniques […]

Nicu Bocancea With Calla Lily Aethiopica

Nicu Bocancea, a renowned Romanian floral designer, favors working with the elegant white calla lily variety ‘Aethiopica’ known for its one-meter-long stems. These timeless flowers add sophistication to any floral arrangement. Zantedeschia Aethiopica, also called Arum Lily or Calla Lily, is native to southern Africa and widely cultivated as cut flowers due to their long […]

Calla Lily Flowers: Alluring and Meaningful Blooms To Know About

Calla lilies are elegant, trumpet-shaped flowers native to South Africa, widely cultivated for their beauty and symbolism. They come in various colors, including black, brown, and purple, adding visual interest to floral arrangements. The meaning of calla lilies varies across cultures, generally representing purity and beauty. These stunning flowers can be incorporated into diverse floral […]

Discover the Joy of Calla Tubers for Your Garden

Calla tubers offer a delightful journey of cultivating elegant blooming plants. With a variety of colors and easy care, they are perfect for both beginners and experienced gardeners. Once planted, Calla plants transform gardens into captivating oases with minimal maintenance required. The plants’ graceful appearance and vibrant colors evoke feelings of joy and happiness, brightening […]

2023 – The Year of the Calla Lily

According to the flower forecast for this year, calla lilies will be popular for floral arrangements and outside spaces, making them the flowers of choice for 2023. Simply Calla has compiled a monthly list of callas for every holiday, celebration, or season, to help you incorporate callas in your arrangements accordingly. Red callas are perfect […]

The Yellow Calla Plant Is Ready to Rejoice the World

Embrace the joy of yellow Calla plants during Easter, symbolizing gratitude, innocence, and admiration. The elegant tuberous plants captivate with their simplicity and strength. Flowers trigger happiness, and as a floral designer, I aim to bring moments of joy to people’s homes. Scientifically proven to enhance mood and well-being, flowers like Callas uplift mental and […]

2023 – The Year of the Calla Lily

The Year of the Calla Lily has arrived, and Simply Calla presents a monthly guide on how to incorporate these vibrant flowers into various celebrations. In January, red callas symbolize the Chinese New Year’s festivities, while February sees the unique appeal of red callas for Valentine’s Day. Spring’s arrival in March and April invites soft […]

Callas for Christmas – The Merriest Flower Treat

During the festive Christmas season, flowers take center stage in millions of homes worldwide, and Callas for Christmas bring grace and elegance to holiday decor. With vibrant purple, red, orange, and white callas, spaces come alive with vividness and holiday spirit. Simply Calla offers tips on incorporating these colorful callas into Christmas decorations. Adorn center […]

High Time to Harvest the Calla Tubers

As autumn sets in, tuber growers are busy with harvest time. Coöperatieve Nederlandse Bloembollencentrale (CNB) plays a significant role as the biggest marketplace for bulb, tuber, and perennial trade. CNB’s calla growers, like Simply Calla, focus on harvesting calla tubers. CNB’s calla mediator, René van Marrewijk, explains the delicate process. Tubers, resembling potatoes, require special […]

Celebrate Your Colorful Halloween Using Beautiful Callas

Simply Calla is all about celebrating Halloween with vibrant and colorful orange callas, adding a fresh and calming touch to the spooky festivities. They offer inspiration on styling the season with their bold-colored calla varieties, perfect for gifts or garden decorations. Potted callas in red, orange, or black are ideal for creating a Hallo-perfect atmosphere […]